Walk off the winter chill and win

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FOR THE past 5 years the Heart Foundation Walking Group of Deloraine has braved all types of weather for the love of walking.

Leaving from Deloraine House every Tuesday and Thursday morning they head off around the beautiful town of Deloraine chatting and laughing as they go.

You might have seen them walking around the river and wondered who they were and why they always look so happy and now you know.

In fact walking in a group is motivating, fun and a great way to meet people. It’s also a great way to maintain a healthy heart.

Anyone can join the group and if you register with them before 31st August 2016 you will be eligible to win one of two Heart Foundation Walking Winter Warmer packs valued at over $70.00.

Now that’s sounds like a good reason to get off the couch and get some fresh air this winter.


Flood Dampens Hoops


New Laurel House Outreach Service