Meander Valley Gazette

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Minimising the wood smoke dilemma

smoke haze in delraine

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AUGUST 2016 | Wendy Laing

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ON SATURDAY, 10th July 2016, air specialist experts from Tasmania, mainland Australia and New Zealand attended a three day workshop in Deloraine.

The workshop was opened by the Chair of the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), Mr Warren Jones.

Dr John Innis, the Senior Air Scientist, (EPA), was a speaker at the workshop.

This is the first time, he said, that a group of air specialists had gathered to discuss the common problems of smoke pollution caused by wood heaters, planned burns and bushfires.

Delegates shared experiences on how New Zealand and different states in Australia were trying to minimise wood smoke levels, sources of pollution and the impact of wood smoke on people’s health.

They also discussed strategies such as programs and policies that have been put in place to assist their communities.

Dr Innis showcased a mobile air monitoring station, which won an Award for innovation from the Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand.

He was disappointed that the flooding rain had meant the Public Forum on ‘Wood Smoke’ that was to have been held on Tuesday evening, 12th July, had to be cancelled.

He had been looking forward to demonstrating to local residents how the car-based smoke survey tool could be used in local areas of Deloraine to measure the air quality. Live data would then have been transmitted back to the Forum for interpretation and discussion.

There is a permanent air station at Deloraine, which was installed in 2014. Real time air quality data is transmitted to the Environment Protection Agency every day and readings can be seen on their website at http://

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores