Meander Valley Gazette

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Marakoopa open garden with music

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September 2016 | Wendy Laing

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LARS AND Sarah Cooper decided to start operating the Marakoopa Café about four years ago to offer the only refreshment facilities available in their area.

Mr Cooper said that they thought it would also be a good idea to have other options available on-site to supplement the Marakoopa Caves system.

This became evident when the local June floods caused the cave to become excessively damaged. The cave is unlikely to be open until December, 2016.

To complement the café, the Coopers have added a room onto the café where artists can regularly perform and, if the weather is agreeable, concerts can also be held outdoors.

These musical afternoons have become very popular.

Mrs Cooper said that they had a wonderful evening on Saturday, 20th August with the amazing Bity Booker as the guest artist.

She added that Monique How, the support act from Liena, is becoming a very accomplished artist.

An Open Garden is planned for the weekend of the 24th and 25th September.

There will be live music playing as guests wander through the gardens.

Food and drinks will be available from the café.

Mrs Cooper said that they intend to hold Open Garden days on a regular basis throughout the summer months.

As soon as the Marakoopa Caves become accessible, the Café will be open for business again.