Pay load at Overload

September 2016 | Wendy Laing

DELORAINE HOSPITAL gallery launched an art exhibition called Overload on 29th July.

Showcasing thirty artists who, using a variety of mediums, have expressed their ideas how their art relates to Haemochromatosis - a genetic excess iron disorder.

The Deloraine Curator for the exhibition, Sheila Stevenson, thanked the guests for attending the launch.

She then introduced Sarah Weaver, artist and Overload curator, who briefly explained that Overload art exhibition began in Hobart in 2012.

It was also held in Launceston in 2014 and has been held in Deloraine during 2015 and 2016.

Mrs Stevenson then introduced Guy Barnett MP, who officially declared the 3rd Northern Tasmania Overload exhibition open.

During the evening, guests at the launch were asked to vote for a people’s choice award.

Young artist Liam Rudolf won this honour for his oil on canvas entitled ‘On the Ledge’.

The Overload exhibition is open to the public in the Deloraine hospital gallery until the 5th November, 2016.

The art work may be purchased and thirty percent of monies raised from each sale will go to help fund Haemochromatosis Australia.


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