Project approved, needs more workers

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September 2016

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COLONY 47 is happy to announce Council approval for the Bush Tucker Trail (BTT) on the Northern bank of the Meander River in Deloraine.

The inclement weather has meant delays for on-site works, and so BTT is now due to begin in September. A contractor has been engaged, volunteers are on board and plants ordered.

Elements of the walk will include handmade pavers decorated by local school children with their own designs featuring Aboriginal motifs, under the direction of Aunty Dawn Blazely and Greg Murray.

A metal fire-pit made by local artist Matthew ‘Moby’ Dick will be a feature of the Yarning Circle, and 8 native animal sculptures are to be created by John Parish.

As the Bush Tucker Trail progresses there are many ways for community members to become involved. Register as a helper to prepare six small plant beds in a one-off working bee or join the ongoing maintenance team. For more information, contact Martin Hay on 0447 800 625.


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