Two town nosh-ups success

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September 2016

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AROUND MID-YEAR a group of volunteers fed 50 people at a dinner in Mole Creek and 75 people at a luncheon in Deloraine using donated produce.

This was a Deloraine House project to look at ways of improving ‘food access and choices’ for everyone.

Diners were asked to give feedback and comments highlighted the awareness of people going hungry in the district and the need to address this issue.  At Mole Creek the idea of having a community garden was raised and initial talks to explore this possibility have started.

At Deloraine people discussed such things as having food drives, more people growing their own food, having backyard garden blitzes, and farmers selling their excess produce.

Leading on from the dinners a new Harvest Co-operative is being set up through Deloraine House.

For more information on this venture you can call Catherine on 0427 509 409 or go to


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Thespian offering of one act plays