Meander Valley Gazette

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Business as usual on the road to Cradle

Lily Webb aged 8 Eliza Webb 6 on holiday with mum and dad from Adelaide enjoying an icecream at Chudleigh on their way to Cradle Mountain

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SEPTEMBER 2016 | Heather Summers

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SPRING HAS sprung and the warmer weather is the perfect excuse to get out and about to see what’s happening in Meander Valley.

Despite extreme weather events experienced in the last 12 months, there are still plenty of things to see and do in this beautiful part of the world.

Following the foodie trail is a fun way to explore the region. After sustaining flood damage, 41 Degrees Salmon and Ginseng Farm are up and running again near Deloraine.

Along with other familiar destinations like Ashgrove Cheese, Christmas Hills Raspberry Farm and Melita Honey Farm at Chudleigh, you can plug in to the local cafe culture, and enjoy community art centres along the way. Deloraine is a great arts hub, as a walk down the main street will confirm.

Located at Mayberry, Marakoopa Café will be re-opening on the weekend of the 24th and 25th of September as part of Blooming Tasmania Open Garden Trail, and then every subsequent Sunday.  A great cafe and live music venue, it is well worth a visit.

Wychwood Gardens also experienced flood damage, and while not planning to officially open until the end of October, it will open its gates especially for the Open Garden Trail on the last weekend of September.

Entally House has re-opened this month, a lovely flashback to Tasmania’s early years. A wander around the historic village of Westbury further down the road is also rewarding.

Stop off at the local History Rooms in Lyall Street.

Many are under the misapprehension that Cradle Mountain is inaccessible via Mole Creek. This is not the case, as access is open through Paradise Rd.  Vicki Pryer of the Great Western Tiers Visitor Centre encourages people to come and visit them for up-to-date information. “We are getting daily updates on what is happening in the area, so make us your first port of call,” she suggests. Their website is also a great place to start.

While many of Meander Valley’s renowned destinations for natural beauty were affected by the recent heavy weather, King Solomon’s Cave was left undamaged and is open for business as usual.

Alum Cliffs is accessible, as is Westmorland Falls, although caution should be exercised. Check with the Visitor Centre in Deloraine for information on other sites.

Minister for Infrastructure, Rene Hidding, has allocated $8.7 million for urgent works in the North and North-West due to the damage caused by the June flood.

As the gateway to the North-West, and with its proximity to Devonport and Launceston, the Valley area is a great place to start exploring.  The only question is, where to begin?

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores