Delightful desserts campaign

Anita Griffith

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A SMALL committee of friends and former work colleagues rallied together on the 7th of August in order to raise funds in support of Anita Griffith, who has Multiple Sclerosis.

Their aim was to help Anita finish paying for a compact motorized wheelchair.

Funding was also contributed to the purchase of a rehabilitation exercise bike to help regain strength.

Unfortunately Anita is highly allergic to MS medication & painkillers.

‘Dessert Heaven’ held at the Deloraine Bowls Club raised $3,643.70.

The organisers would like to thank everyone who donated so generously in the way of sweets & donations for the raffle!

If you would like to make a donation go to Anita’s gofundme page: www.go on Facebook.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Image supplied


In the garden with Nell Carr


Hello possum!