Meander Valley Gazette

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In the garden with Nell Carr


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SEPTEMBER 2016 | Nell Carr

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TOMATO SEEDS will germinate in a week if sown in trays of moist seed raising mix and placed in an even temperature of 25C, e.g. the top of a hot water cylinder.  Remove to a sunny window as soon as the shoots appear.

White Turnips

Seeds may be sown sparsely in well manured soil. Thin out when they reach golf ball size. These are delicious cooked whole and served with butter.  This will leave space for the remainder to grow to full size.


Wet winters seem to suit Camellias as they are blooming profusely.

Sadly, however, heavy rain adversely affects the pastel coloured varieties such as the lovely delicate pink semi-double “Bernice Boddy”,  leaving disfiguring brown blemishes on the petals.

Those of a more robust colouring such as ‘The Czar’ (pictured) have not been so affected.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Photo supplied