Meander Valley Gazette

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Mentoring young builders

Building Together Facilitator Geoff Berry with Tamzin Thomas of Westbury photo by David Claridge

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SEPTEMBER 2016 | David Claridge

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THERE IS an alternative learning space in Westbury for young people to engage in something constructive and give back to the community.

The Building Together project, is a chance for local young people to use materials and construct something that others can use.

Overseer of the project, Nate Austen, said that it’s an opportunity for them to work together with adult mentors, and construct projects that can be either sold or donated to the community.

“For me, it’s really around developing skills, building relationships, that sense of achievement, and being able to stand back after a little bit of effort and realise what they have done,” said Nate.

Working in four-hour sessions once a fortnight, the teams works in ‘blocks’ to construct something that can be sold to the community to purchase more timber materials.

The team is currently hard at work making outdoor picnic tables.

“We try to mitigate risks, so the young people can only use some of the tools. We try to prepare all of the materials off site so the amount of cutting, the more dangerous work is off-site, pre-prepared.

“We’re focussed on the process of constructing it together and completing the job.

Many of projects sold to date include kid’s picnic tables to the Toddle Inn, and an adult picnic table to the Meander store.

The team hope to have items to bring to the Deloraine showground market in December, before Christmas.

For purchasing or project inquiries contact Nate Austen on 6701 2150.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] David Claridge