Conversational English

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October 2016

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THE OXFORD English Dictionary describes convocation as an informal talk between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged.

Some people even consider conversation an art form but for the Deloraine LINC’s English Convocation Circle, it’s a chance to learn new things and just have fun.

This group was started by LINC Tasmania’s Deloraine Literacy Program as a way for members of the Meander Valley community to learn and practice their English, meet people and form new friendships.

The English Convocation Circle is run by literacy program volunteers and meets every Monday at Deloraine House.

Recently the ECC have started reading and discussing books in a ‘book club’ style, as well as playing convocational card games for fun and exciting topics to discuss.

The ECC is made up of residents of all ages and walks of life.

For some of them, English is their second language and having a conversation each week with the other group members where they can stop and ask questions about a word, really helps them in their everyday life.

“I like to come along to improve my conversation skills. I really enjoy how we discuss the structure of sentences. This really helps me,” comments one participant.

Other members of the group come to enjoy the social side of their Monday chats.

“It’s a social thing for me, I enjoy meeting new people, learning about different cultures and sharing what I know. It’s like shared learning” says another.

The English Convocation Circle are friendly and welcoming.

They would like to invite anyone from the community who enjoys a good chin wag, to come along and learn new things or help others learn.

They meet every Monday from 1:45 to 2:45pm at Deloraine House. For more information call Deloraine House on 6362 2678 or Anne-Marie on 0417 120 671.


In the garden with Nell Carr


Golf Academy Jack