Meander Valley Gazette

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Meander River, I’m crossing you in style

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ROTARY CLUB of Deloraine, over the years, has provided many improvements for the Deloraine community. One of these projects has been the footbridges.

In 1991 the Rotary Club under the helm of Geoff McLennan and Community Service Director David Plumbridge commenced the planning and construction of the footbridge that links the Deloraine Apex Caravan Park to the redeveloped area on the Eastern side of the river, known as Rotary Park.

The bridge was designed and built in Tasmania with input from Don Howe and the expertise of Elphinstone Engineering Burnie. The bridge was finally put in place in 1993.

The cost of $70,000 was fully funded by the Rotary Club of Deloraine and a further $30,000 was spent on the boardwalks and paths to connect Rotary Park.

On completion, the bridge was handed over by Deloraine Rotary Club President, Michael Fahey, to the Deloraine Council to maintain and control. A second bridge was erected in 2005 across the Meander River below the weir by the Rotary Club of Deloraine to complete the pathway circuit around the riverbank.

The funding for this bridge was predominantly provided by the Rotary Club of Deloraine from proceeds of the Tasmanian Craft Fair, apart from a Grant of $10,000.

Over the years the Rotary Club has also provided funds and performed working bees to upgrade the riverbank pathways in conjuction with the Meander Valley Council.

The story of the footbridges is an interesting one, and will be re-visited in a follow-up article.

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