Old grey Fergies going strong


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OCTOBER 2016 | Heather Summers

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PEARN’S STEAM World will be a hive of activity this November long weekend, with the annual Steam Up ready to roll.

The Steam Spectacular is a yearly institution in the town of Westbury, attracting steam enthusiasts from around the world.

This year’s event will include the much-anticipated Fergie Muster, celebrating the 70th anniversary of Irishman Harry Ferguson’s little grey tractor. “We hope to unearth Tasmania’s oldest tractor, and ask owners everywhere to drag out their pride and joy, dust it down and join the fun,” said event organiser Gerard Gelston. “We will welcome all Ferguson tractors, no matter the model or age, and invite owners of the latest models to join in the celebrations.”

The muster will take place on Saturday the 5th of November, with a grand parade starting at noon, culminating in the cutting of a birthday cake to top off the festivities.

Steam World is a long standing attraction, with what is thought to be the Southern Hemisphere’s largest exhibit of steam-operated engines and associated paraphernalia.

Highlighting the importance of Tasmania’s agricultural history, the majority of the collection came into being with brothers Jack, Verdun and Zenith Pearn the main force behind the original collection, started in the 1950s.

Built on what was originally Westbury’s sale yards, the local Rotary Club played a large part in setting up the museum, while donated time and labour have been the driving force behind the museum’s continuing success.

To participate in the Fergie Muster on 5th November, phone Gerard Gelston on 0407 681 161 or visit www.pearnssteamworld. org.au.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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