Meander Valley Gazette

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Avoid disasters, join Toastmasters

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November 2016

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THE LAUNCESTON Toastmasters and Devonport Toastmasters clubs are holding a joint meeting in Westbury on Tuesday 29th November, from 6:30- 8:30pm at the Westbury Community Centre, 89 Meander Valley Road.

There will be a shared meal, a lot of laughs and a chance to get to know about your local Toastmasters clubs.

This is a great opportunity for the Meander Valley community to see what Toastmasters is all about and how it can assist them. Being in the middle of the two clubs’ locations, members of the Meander Valley community have the choice of two excellent clubs to attend.

Toastmasters is an international volunteer-run organisation dedicated to helping people from all walks of life to improve their public speaking and leadership skills, and to build confidence.