Meander Valley Gazette

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Faeries in Westbury?

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November 2016

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TIMOTHY MISON and friends Lauren and Liam, claim to have captured video proof of a faery while visiting Westbury.

The one-minute clip of a strange tiny creature flying round them, uploaded to Mison’s Youtube channel ( watch?v=wCJ8BOihu-8) was shot at night in a Westbury Cemetery.

Attracting attention from major publishers like America’s Huffington Post and The Sun, and the Daily Mirror, it sparked heated discussion across mainstream media sites and many supernatural communities.

“The video’s authenticity has been questioned more than once, and in our opinion it could certainly be a fake.

In all honesty though, we’re not really sure.

Westbury does have a rich history when it comes to mystery and folklore,” comments Meander Valley Mayor, Craig Perkins.

This ignited debate begs the question, “Are faeries real?”

The World Faery Society (WFS) (https://youtu. be/SQJjmNCsTPE), holds the largest collection of recorded faery evidence (https://www.instagram. com/wo r l d fa e r ys o c i e - ty/), and they may have the answer.

“We recently recovered several (1800s’) artifacts that may… tell… how and why this faery is there. But (our research has) hit a dead end… and now we need the public’s help,” shares Arthur Beck, Head Researcher and President, WFS.

By making the evidence public, WFS hopes this newfound global interest in Westbury’s faery can help unravel the mystery.