Meander Valley Gazette

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Pacing pow wow

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November 2016

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The popular Carrick Park Pacing Club hosts its first meeting for the season on 2nd December with their focus on the traditional pre Christmas race. The action gets underway at 3.30 pm at East Street, Carrick.

There are loads of enjoyable activities, including an appearance by Santa with free give-aways for the kids, a boy’s and a girl’s bike to be won, free face painting and a Christmas raffle.

The Club runs full bar facilities and a well-stocked kiosk, selling the best steak sandwiches money can buy. Relax and enjoy the music with friends till the wee hours of the night.

Visitor numbers have increased in recent years due to the family focused atmosphere. The club offers a very generous membership package. Just $20.00 for the season admits two, with a free can of soft drink or stubby of beer at each meeting, and the opportunity of winning a minimum of $500.00 at each meeting’s draw.

For a club membership package contact Sandra on 0400 635 070.