Meander Valley Gazette

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Prospect of good golf

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November 2016

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The Prospect Vale Golf Club will be represented in the women’s section of Australia’s largest and most successful pro-amateur team’s event, the Holden Scramble Championship Final.

Hosted by the Mowbray Golf Club, and led by PGA Professional Bryce Gorham, a host of teams were held off by Tammy Hall, Sally Gibb, Penny Hewitt and Deidre Panton to grab the one spot available at the State Final.

The team scored a net of 56.1, easily defeating the other teams in the field.

The Holden Scramble Championship final will be played at the Twin Waters Golf Club in Queensland between the 25th and 28th November.

The team from Prospect Vale will play four days of golf in full tournament conditions against teams from around Australia.

Bryce Gorham said that the Holden Scramble is one of the most highly anticipated events on the calendar, and Prospect Vale Golf Club was thrilled that it would be in the Championship Final.

Since its inception in 1992, and managed by the PGA of Australia, the Holden Scramble has become Australia’s largest and most successful pro-amateur team’s event.