Meander Valley Gazette

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Waste charges confusion

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November 2016 | David Claridge

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THERE HAS been confusion and frustration over an annual $46.00 waste charge that Meander Valley residents have been charged in their rates.

At first it was believed the charge covered collection of a property’s rubbish. People who own multiple properties, some with land only, or who already have collection handled by other means were quick to seek an explanation. Meander Valley mayor, Craig Perkins, wishes to explain that the flat fee, in fact, is necessary to fund the waste services in the area.

“The cost of our waste management is $600,000 a year on average to maintain.”

“The nature of rates is to collect money to pay for the activities of the council. For those that have domestic collection, they pay an additional fee.”

Mayor Perkins further said that the council decided three years ago to separate the waste management fee out of the general rates so people could see what it would cost them per property to manage.

“All rate payers make a contribution to all our activities, be it maintenance of our roads, our halls, parks and gardens.”

“If everyone was charged ‘user-pays’ at the tip then nobody would be able to afford it. From a waste point of view, you would get people starting to do illegal dumping because they couldn’t afford to do it.”

Rutherglen Residential Club, where 70 people live, have their rubbish collected by Veolia – who remove the rubbish to the Launceston tip.

Together, the Rutherglen residents pay $3,000 a year through their rates towards the Meander Valley waste services.

Council is unable to control which disposal sites privately engaged waste collection companies choose to utilise.

They are, however, willing to discuss with Rutherglen residents other options that may be available.