Angels, demons and three delightful divas


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THE 3 DIVAS ensemble is something of a musical phenomenon in Northern Tasmania.

For the past six years, Tamsyn Stock Stafford, Carolyn Harris and Georgina Harvey have been amazing audiences with their remarkable singing talents and their range of music styles.

They have done this accompanied by Kent Furmage, arguably Tasmania’s best piano accompanist. John Phelps, as director and master of ceremonies, completes the ensemble.

Together, they have another concert coming up very soon.

Arts Deloraine will present this new 3 Divas concert at Gallery 9 in Deloraine on Friday, 25th November starting at 8.00p.m.

The show, Angels and Demons, is a selection of songs about good guys and bad guys! The pieces are from all music styles – classical, stage musicals, cabaret and the rest.

They are drawn from composers as diverse as Stephen Sondheim, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Simon and Garfunkel, Donizetti, Billy Joel and Franz Schubert. There will even be a medley from the film Sister Act.

Some songs are funny, some moving, others challenging, yet all are magnificently performed.

Book early at Elemental Artspace, Emu Bay Road, Deloraine. Admission is $25.00, with $20.00 for members of Arts Deloraine.

For more information, contact John Phelps on 6362 4488.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


Entally Gardenfest


In the garden with Nell Carr