Meander Valley Gazette

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Beautiful science

bec-donaldson-pic-by-gavin-price-winterbrook-creative bec-donaldson-pic-by-gavin-price-winterbrook-creative


NOVEMBER 2016 | Wendy Laing

THE DELORAINE Creative Studios will be the venue for the Amazing Tasmanian Science Stories until the 30th November, 2016.

Ten artists, using a variety of printmaking techniques, are holding an art and story-telling exhibition.  Each piece of art will be accompanied by a short, interesting Tasmanian science tale.

The aim of the Amazing Tasmanian Science Stories is to give people a new way to be delighted and inspired by beautiful art and science together.

Wildlife biologist and artist Ms Rebecca Donaldson said that the printmakers have taken inspiration from unusual and crazy science stories to create their works of art.

Some of the narratives describe the science behind cheese making and the latest technique in pasture science as well as tales of Tasmanian animals, lost treasures, beautiful plants and mysterious life-forms.

Ms Donaldson went on to say that she and the artists want the exhibition to appeal to everyone who loves art and stories and will be surprised to learn interesting information about science in Tasmania.

The exhibition is also a chance for the artists to share the secrets and beauty of printmaking and to discuss opportunities for people who live in the Meander Valley to become involved in art in their community.

A People’s Choice vote will be available throughout the exhibition.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Gavin Price