Meander Valley Gazette

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Entally Gardenfest


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NOVEMBER 2016 | Sara Fawcett

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FOR A CHANCE to further your knowledge about gardening or have a look inside a historic building for just a gold coin donation, head along to Entally House’s Gardenfest on the 12th and 13th of November.

The house is part of Entally Estate in Hadspen which includes Entally Lodge, previously known as Rutherglen Resort.

Entally House, built in 1819, has quite a history.  It was established by Thomas Reibey (Snr) in the early days of Australia’s European habitation.  His wife, Mary, is the convict featured on Australia’s $20.00 note. Their son, Thomas Reibey, was the Premier of Tasmania from 1876-1877.

The estate includes a cricket oval, believed to be one of Australia’s first, having hosted games even before Melbourne was settled.

It was, for a time, the training grounds of the 1884 Melbourne Cup winner, Malua.

This year is Entally’s 9th annual Gardenfest and the volunteer group, Friends of Entally will be assisting in the weekend.

“The Friends of Entally raise money by offering Devonshire teas and conducting a raffle at this event,” volunteer Pamela Gill said.

“The funds raised go into improving the estate in various ways. For example new pews for the chapel, curtains for the drawing room etc,” she said.

“The scones we serve have a reputation for being pretty good,” explains another volunteer Ros Renault. “The money we make helps to keep some life in the old girl (Entally House).”

This group of volunteers also helps with the upkeep of the house including house keeping, gardening and welcoming and informing visitors of the House’s history.

The Garden Festival this year will bring together stall holders covering all aspects of gardening including garden ornaments, plants of all sorts, food stalls and many other items of top quality.

The display of plants will include those grown by TAFE horticultural students in the Estate’s Conservatory which is, apparently, the oldest in the country.

Special guest, ABC Gardening Australia’s Tasmanian presenter, Tino Carnevale will attend on Sunday.

Explore the historic site to the background of gardens, plants, good food and music - all for a gold coin donation.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores