Modifieds cut the mustard


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NOVEMBER 2016 | Marguerite McNeill

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BIG TRACTORS, little tractors, vintage and modified tractors and even a kids size pedal tractor will be put to the test at this year’s Deloraine Apex Tractor Pull.

It is the 5th year the club has hosted the event that is now the biggest tractor pull show in Tasmania.

This year’s competitions will feature 7 mini-modified tractors which includes 5 from Victoria. There will also be three big modified tractors from Devonport, Wynyard and Deloraine and around 30 vintage tractors vying for honours.

Apex spokesman Danny Saltmarsh said that competitions involve pulling a weighted sled as far as possible across a 100 metre distance. Sleds are weighted according to the different class of the tractors.

As the tractor advances, the weight moves forward. Given the increasing weight, the challenge is to get the tractor as close to reaching the end of the course as possible.

He said that the modifieds and vintage tractor pulls were a big drawcard for many.

“The crowds like it when the tractors start blowing black smoke, stand up on the back wheels and make a lot of noise,” he said.

The two-day event will feature four competition runs (distance pulls) where the horsepower of machines is pitted against the weights determined by the Tractor Pull Association.

For children there will be a jumping castle and the Apex Train will be running. Yo u n g s t e r s can also test their skills in the pedal tractor pull with a weighted sled.

Food and refreshments will be available from the Apex food and coffee van and the kiosk.

The bar will open at 1.30pm each day.

T h e D e l o r a i n e Apex Tractor Pull will be held at Red Hills Apex Memorial Park (on the Mole Creek Road), Saturday and Sunday 3rd and 4th December from 9.30am. Tractor Pulls begin at 10.30am.

Entry is $15.00 single, $25.00 double, children under-16 go free.

Tickets are available at or at the gate.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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