Never too old


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ABOUT 40 people attended the MADE (Mature Artists Dance Experience) workshop held at the Day Care Centre in Deloraine as part of the Creative Aging Festival held during Seniors Week. Festival Director Alexandra Morse commented, “I was overwhelmed by the support, enthusiasm and participation at all of the events.”

The largest attendance was at the opening of ‘Grenoch Gallery’ on Monday evening with over 80 people attending and 20 students from Deloraine high doing front of house.

The event has provided a catalyst for all service providers and community members who assist older adults in the community to come together and creatively support ‘the whole person’.

During the week a number of organisations and individuals have raised their hands and want to contribute to next year.

The festival has provided a springboard of enthusiasm at Meander Valley Life and this culture will be nurtured throughout the year, not just over a week.

The creative ageing forum on the Friday at the Deloraine Trade Training Centre was extremely well received. One attendee stated “Wouldn’t it be a lovely thing if all aged care workers were exposed to such positivity, life-affirming and generally encouraging concepts about ageing?! I’m at the tail-end of my career and have come to this knowledge through trial and error and fear. So I heartily endorse any future endeavours in reclaiming integrity, dignity and life for all of us who are inevitably ageing.”

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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