Meander Valley Gazette

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Modern art milk machine

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December 2016 | David Claridge

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HAGLEY FARM Primary School is unique in that it raises students in a farm-like environment.  For one class, they got the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of farming and worked together as a team to achieve something remarkable, a Picasso Cow.

According to Dairy Australia’s website, Picasso Cows is a program which helps school children learn about the dairy industry and the health and nutrition benefits of dairy foods as part of a balanced diet.

Class 5/6 Oswin started with the cow body and spent around eight weeks to get the final product.

Solomon Clarke of Hadspen was one of the students who worked on the cow.

“We had a lot of fun working on it, painting it was probably the best part though,” he explained.

“Something I learned was that cow products are 50 percent of people’s main diet.

“The hardest part of the whole process was choosing the name as the boys wanted to call it Wezley and the girls wanted to call it Frankie.

Acting Advanced Skills Teacher and Environment Centre Teacher, Christine Johns, shared that this was the third-time Hagley Farm School had participated in the program.

“The idea is to get the cows into the classrooms and getting the children thinking about what that means as far as farms and where their food comes from,” she commented.

“They do a lot of research and incorporate that into the final product.”

The classes efforts produced a very creative and informative final product.  Wezley the cow didn’t place in the Dairy Australia competition, which is surprising since it looks fantastic.