Moggies in need of a mansion

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December 2016 | Sara Fawcet

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MANY PEOPLE would be aware of opportunities to foster dogs and puppies. But did you know you may also foster or sponsor cats?

Longford’s JustCats Tasmania, a not-for-profit rescue organisation which first opened in August 2012, provides just that opportunity.

JustCats’ mission is to provide shelter, de-sexing, vaccination and micro-chipping of unwanted cats before placing them up for adoption.

Since their opening, they have had over a thousand cats adopted, with many more adult cats and kittens currently needing foster homes.

These numbers may seem amazing, but apparently many of us have no idea just how many cats are unwanted.

JustCats Chudleigh supporter, Estelle Kenyan, highlights this, “We are on acreage and our horse paddock hides myriads of animals. During the last six years, we have rescued a total of sixteen kittens and two proper feral cats.”

Estelle and her daughters have given most of these to JustCats, taking on the care of only some themselves.

However, not all the cats rescued are feral.  Some were unwanted cats that have not been desexed, resulting in many kittens.

Another primary goal for JustCats is to help educate the public on the importance of de-sexing these felines to prevent the occurrence of unwanted kittens.

As the organisation’s facilities are frequently stretched to the limit just rescuing these animals, JustCats seeks community help with fostering or sponsoring them.

To this end, JustCats will be holding a Cats and Kittens Expo on 4th December.

Pedigree cats and their breeders will be present to share information about various breeds.

Felines needing new homes will also be on display and this will be a great opportunity to find out how to help JustCats through adoption, fostering or sponsorship.

The Expo will be held at Esk Lyn Road, Longford, along Pateena Road.

Visit JustCats’ social media page at for further information.


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