Meander Valley Gazette

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Organic, sweet success

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December 2016

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R. STEPHENS Tasmanian Honey of Mole Creek was presented as a Nominee in the prestigious Fonterra Australia Agriculture Award at the 2016 Community Achievement Awards on 5th November 2016 at the Hotel Grand Chancellor in Hobart.

The company was presented on stage by City of Hobart Deputy Lord Mayor, Ald Ron Christie, in front of 360 guests from across the State.

The event celebrated 10 years of recognising community achievers and was hosted by Southern Cross Television Weatherman, Peter Murphy.

R. Stephens Tasmanian Honey has achieved organic certification for their Golden Nectar Real Leatherwood Honey, which is recognised as one of the top 10 Tasmanian products.

Their sales in Australia, USA, Japan and Lebanon have increased and demand now outweighs supply.