Pathway through the technospeak




FOUR LOVELY ladies from around the Valley have just completed an eleven week Computing Foundations course at Deloraine Online.

“The course is run three times per year and helps people gain more confidence with their computers,” says long time tutor Joanne Eisemann and adds “people often beat themselves up about not understanding, but its like learning anything new, you need some basic concepts and a bit of lingo before its going to make sense.”

Student Maria Husen has been grappling with her computer for a few years.  “It’s the first time I’ve felt like I’m making any headway,” she explains.

“I like that we are learning in a small group,” shares another student Karen Madge. “We are all at around the same level, so we are learning and bumbling along together.”

Participants attend a class once per week for a couple of hours.  If they have a laptop they can bring that along to use otherwise there are plenty of centre computers to use.

The course is run as a partnership with TasTAFE so a formal qualification can be gained if required.

The course is offered at the Deloraine (6362 3537) and Mole Creek (6363 2030) Online Access Centres.

Call to book a place for the next round.

Photo | Mike Moores


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