Business Association calls it quits

January 2017 | Wendy Laing

AT A SPECIAL meeting held on the 30th November, 2016, the Meander Valley Business Association committee and members met to decide on the future of the organisation in its present form.

The business people at the meeting discussed either continuing or disbanding the association. The core focus of the association being to represent retailers in the Deloraine area.

A vote was taken and the chairperson for the meeting, Mr John Phelps, declared that the result was to wind up the association. He advised that it would be wound up by the current committee.

In the past, a number of projects were completed by both Deloraine on the Move and the Meander Valley Business Association. These included numerous ‘Great Days Out’ and ‘Crazy Days’ involving the whole town.

There was also a project called the ‘Butt Out’ campaign to help reduce cigarette butts on the street. Printed tear off maps called ‘Find yourself in Deloraine’ were produced showing all business listings.

Monthly newsletter and network meetings were held to introduce new businesses into the town. Many projects such as training groups were held at a reduced cost to help retailers and their staff and there was a shop locally campaign. Most were orgainised by volunteers from the MVBA committee and members.

Meander Valley Business Association committee member, Ms Vicki Pryer, explained that a local artist, Lucinda Hunnam, had been commissioned to produce two signs to be sited at the boundaries leading into the town. These signs, called ‘Discover Deloraine, Town of Sculptures’, are a special project that will hopefully become a reality before the Meander Valley Business Association is wound up.

All the members who attended the meeting said that they are confident that sometime in the future an association in a new format could become a reality.


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