Meander Valley Gazette

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Can barter break the banks?

January 2017 | David Claridge

“WE LIVE in a troubled world. Through money and capitalism we have created a huge disparity in power and wealth, as well as devastation to the environment through pollution,” said Catherine Smith, host of a sustainable fun day held in Deloraine in late November.

The fun day, at Deloraine Train Park, was created by amateur film makers Katara Jade, Angeline Drury and Catherine Smith to provide local change-makers and the community to share food and local knowledge on creating sustainable lifestyles.

People that went to the event got to participate in family-friendly games, a plant and produce swap as well as a competition that judged the ‘best sustainable dish’.

“I was inspired by the Community Exchange Network Tasmania’s ability to create a system where we can swap things and even skills and labour, without resorting to money,” Katara Jade explained.

The filmmaker trio are working on a web-series called Breaking the Money Monopoly that will showcase Tasmanian initiatives that support money-free resource exchanges and lifestyle advice that can help people break out of the gaol that the rising cost of living can become.

“For me, breaking the money monopoly is about our communities supporting each other to have enough to thrive, not just survive,” said Angeline Drury, director of the series.

For more information, visit http://breakingthemonopoly.