Meander Valley Gazette

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Christmas spirit visits Liena

bill-muldoon-and-john-dare-delivering-a-christmas-hamper-to-duncan-how bill-muldoon-and-john-dare-delivering-a-christmas-hamper-to-duncan-how



ON SATURDAY 17th December, the Rotary Club of Deloraine working with the Rotary Australia Benevolent Society Flood Appeal delivered Christmas hampers to residents living in Liena affected by the floods.

In June this year, the bridge at Liena was destroyed by floods resulting in families living on the ‘Gads Hill’ side of the river being forced to drive on very rough roads and through farms to access shops, schools and work.

This has resulted in the small village feeling very isolated. A new bridge was promised by Christmas but the residents are still waiting. A ford has been built across the river recently providing Rotarians with easier access for delivery. Locals were overcome with emotion when they received their Christmas hamper.

During this festive season it was a wonderful opportunity to show the fourteen families that they had not been forgotten.