Cash for sporting clubs

February 2017

OF THE more than $73,000 in grants invested by the Hodgman Government to help sporting clubs and other not-for-profit community groups to recover from last year’s devastating floods, arising from record breaking rainfall across much of Tasmania’s North and North-West, $13,600 were channelled to organisations within the Meander Valley.

According to Lyons Liberal Member of Parliament Rene Hidding, the up to $2,000 individual grants were given for cleaning-up, purchasing equipment that was damaged or destroyed and hiring new facilities if required, as these associations are “the backbone of the community.”

Deloraine Junior Football Club Incorporated, Anglers Alliance Tasmania Inc., Apex Club of Deloraine Inc., Deloraine Football Club Inc., Westbury Pistol Club of the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (Tasmania), and Deloraine District Pony Club Inc. each received the maximum available grant, while $1,600 was granted to Deloraine Agricultural and Pastoral Society Inc.


Australia Day accolades


In the garden with Nell Carr