Westbury - this is your town

March 2017

NEWCOMERS AND long time residents of Westbury are invited to a free event to learn more about the town and what it has to offer at a special afternoon hosted by the Westbury & Districts Historical Society on Sunday, 9th April at 2.00pm in the Town Hall Supper Room.

“There are many relatively new residents in our lovely village and we would like to show and tell them something of the town’s history and also advise them on what organisations and events operate here” said Virginia Greenhill, the co-ordinator of the event.

Town maps will be on display and members will be present to answer questions. It is hoped that members of the community groups will also attend to give out information.

Anyone who would like to attend this free afternoon is asked, if possible, to add their name to a list held at the Post Office or to leave a message on 6327 4872. This will help with catering for afternoon tea.


Riley knocks his block off


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