Meander Valley Gazette

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Good Guy delivers

April 2017 | David Claridge

THE 2017 POLLIEPEDAL took off from Hadspen in early March, a three-day journey for politicians on bikes to raise money for diabetes.

A team of 16 riders, including five state politicians started at the Hadspen Discovery Park. Along the way, the cyclists made several stops, including one at Cressy District High School.

Diabetes Tasmania CEO Caroline Wells explained that the growing support of PolliePedal was a strong sign Tasmanians are realising the importance of health education and starting to take notice of diabetes and the risks associated with the chronic illness.

“The event is vital, both as a fundraising initiative to assist us to deliver services, advocacy and support for people with diabetes, as well as providing an opportunity to engage with schools and local communities to convey important prevention and healthy lifestyle messages,” Ms Wells said.

“In 2006, PolliePedal commenced its partnership with Guy Barnett MP, who has type 1 diabetes, and since then the annual fundraiser has attracted many local, state and federal politicians as well as members of the Tasmanian community.

Diabetes Australia Ambassador, state government minister and Liberal member for Lyons, Guy Barnett, said the event has gone from strength to strength over the years.

“I have ridden every single kilometre of PolliePedal since its inception in 2006. I am proud that since the first event we have raised more than $560,000 to support people living with diabetes through provision of vital support and services to ensure Tasmanians can live well with diabetes,” said Mr Barnett.

A new addition to this year’s PolliePedal was Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Kate Warner, AC, Governor of Tasmania.