Meander Valley Gazette

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Pro-Am: a pleasing prospect

April 2017 | David Claridge

ALMOST 40 professional golfers including one from the UK came to the Prospect Vale Golf Club in March to show their skills and have a shot at the $8,000 prize at the annual Pro-Am. Prospect Vale Golf Club treasurer and organiser of the Pro-Am, Scott Limbrick, said that pros from all over Australia came to take part, including the UK’s Mathew Webb, who won the futures championship in Ballarat last year.

“The Pro-Am tour started in 1988 and this year there will be eight events state-wide with two in Launceston. The Prospect Vale pro-am has been held for the last 10 years after commencing in 2008 at the Country Club Tasmania course,” Scott added.

“The pro-am tour allows Tasmanian professional golfers to compete with the mainland professionals for the biggest prize-winning events in professional golf in Tasmania.”

It is a good opportunity for avid amateur golfers to compete at a high level and play alongside professional golfers.

Nicholas Russell of Queensland took out the prize money with the lowest score of 68.