Meander Valley Gazette

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A dual investigation into recreation

May 2017

MEANDER VALLEY Council and the local community have started a project investigating how we share, use and view public space and recreational facilities in Deloraine and surrounding districts.

Co-funded by Bendigo Bank’s Deloraine & Districts Community and Meander Valley Council, it follows work by the local sporting clubs to develop a concept for a recreational precinct to complement the Deloraine Community Complex in ways beneficial to the district, as the Meander Valley community changes in the medium to long term.

With its extensive experience across Australia in strategic planning, policy, consultation, site planning and landscape architecture for sport, recreation and open space; and with its familiarity with the Meander Valley municipality through its previous projects for the Meander Valley Strategic Sport and Recreation Plan as well as for the Prospect Vale Park Management Review, Inspiring Place has been engaged to commence the study before April ends.

“This study… will assess the best way to provide recreational facilities to service our community, and will help us answer key questions about the role of Deloraine with respect to complementary facilities in Westbury and Hadspen, about what mix of facilities the community needs and uses, and about where they should be located to maximise accessibility and if they should be consolidated, shared or developed further,” Mayor Craig Perkins said.