Meander Valley Gazette

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Organ donation to Parkham

May 2017 | Wendy Laing

IN THE FEBRUARY edition of Meander Valley Gazette, Ms Jan Blakeney offered to donate her Technics electronic organ to a worthy cause.

Mr Ron Aylett contacted her and told her how the Parkham Community Hall Committee was planning the rejuvenation of the hall and church at Parkham.

Mrs Blakeney donated the organ to the group and it was collected and transported to Parkham early in March.

Parkham is 25 kilometres from Deloraine and the turnoff is near the Elizabeth Town Service Station. It is known for its proud and colourful historical association with Matthew Brady, the ‘gentleman bushranger’.

Parkham hamlet declined as farms became bigger.  After losing the school, post office and store, cricket ground and racecourse, the people of Parkham decided that was enough.

The community purchased St Alban’s Church and hall and are working hard to make the hall once again the social heart of the community.

They are planning monthly activities and fundraisers into the future and the organ has been a welcome contribution to the town.

On Saturday, 13th May, 2017, the Parkham hall will be holding an evening of country rock, rock n’ roll and old time music. Local entertainer Wayne Lunson will host.

Facilities are also for hire and more information can be obtained by visiting ‘ParkhamCommunity Inc.’ on Facebook, or email