Meander Valley Gazette

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Fire drum comp for Winterfire '17

winter fire drum winter fire drum

winter fire drum

MAY 2017 | Jacqui Stacey

15TH JULY 2017’s night of WinterFire fire, fun, food, and entertainment has an exciting new event lined up: a fire drum competition!

Arts Deloraine and the WinterFire committee are calling for submissions of unique artistic creations that will also help keep people warm on the night.

Use a half drum, one drum or several drums to make a functional creation. Perhaps a fire eating dragon, a TV set, a model fire engine, or whatever ignites the imagination.

Google 'Killarney bonfire night' for a wealth of ideas.

Entries attract a fee of$10.00 and close on 7th July.

The winner walks away with the total fee pool.

Pick up an entry form from the fire drum display at the Bendigo Bank.  Or you can email or call Estelle on 0412 659 070.

Photo | Mike Moores