History of Hadspen

Bev Sweetnam of Neighbourhood Watch Hadspen_Bev Sweetnam of Neighbourhood Watch Hadspen_

Bev Sweetnam of Neighbourhood Watch Hadspen_

MAY 2017 | David Claridge

DO YOU know who the first licensee of the Red Feather Inn in Hadspen was when it originally was the Hotel?  The Hadspen Neighbourhood Watch Committee are working on a history of Hadspen book and are seeking help filling in some gaps.

“There was a history of Hadspen book produced over 50 years ago for the 100th anniversary but it was done very quickly and has many gaps with things that aren’t correct, so we were asked to do a new one,” explained Bev Sweetnam, Secretary of the Hadspen Neighbourhood Watch Committee.

“There are a lot of gaps in what has been sourced about the history of Hadspen.

“One of the areas we have been focusing on is the original school - when it was built and working out the class sizes - but we haven’t got a picture of the school to use.

“I’ve also been researching about the original inhabitants. I wanted the Aboriginal point of view to go in the book as well.”

Here are some of the things the committee are looking for:

A picture of Hadspen School students in 1921 is missing names: they would like to complete the photo.

The Hadspen Hotel (now the Red Feather Inn), built in the 1880’s: when did the name change to the Red Feather Inn and who was the first licensee?

The Soldiers memorial hall: who built it, what were the uses of the hall and when was it sold?

If there is anything else you remember about Hadspen history that you think might help complete the book, the Hadspen Neighbourhood Watch Committee are eager to hear from you.

They can be contacted by emailing bevsweetnam@bigpond.com or by calling Bev on 0408 936 448.

Photo | Mike Moores


A fun place for Easter and the whole year round


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