Meander Valley Gazette

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Honour's good hair day

Laugh and Ill tear your face off Laugh and Ill tear your face off

Laugh and Ill tear your face off

MAY 2017

Westbury show grounds is one of the recognised dog showing facilities around the state and hosts regular dog shows throughout each year.

On 22nd April the Western Tiers Kennel Club held a Championship Show with 332 dogs entered.

Judges travelled from Western Australia and New South Wales to judge the event and commented on the high standard of dogs on show.

Dogs are not compared to each other but are compared by judges to a breed standard which is a word depiction approved by the relevant kennel club.

Pictured is one entry from the show, three year old Honour belonging to Tina Sloan of Launceston.

Honour is from the breed known as Shih Tzu.

The hair on the head is tied in a bow to show off the length of hair while keeping it out of their eyes.

One of the more ancient breeds in existence, Shih Tzus are believed to have been bred by Tibetan lamas to be a tiny replica of a lion.

Also known as the Chrysanthemum Dog, the Shih Tzu is a toy dog breed, weighing 10–19 pounds when grown and was once a favourite lap dog of Chinese Emperors.

Photo | Mike Moores