Meander Valley Gazette

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New security for Arts events in Deloraine

June 2017 | Sharon Webb

The future of arts events in Deloraine has been secured following the folding of Arts Deloraine’s long-term parent group, Tasmania Regional Arts (TRA).

Arts Deloraine president Diana Tuleja said her organisation began to take steps to create a stand-alone group months ago.

“The future of Tasmanian Regional Arts was questionable long before the Tasmanian Government cut its funding this year,” she said.

“The Arts Deloraine committee decided we should become an incorporated body and we worked with other regional arts groups around the state to gain the insurance cover normally provided by TRA.”

TRA’s insurance will cover Deloraine arts events until 30th June after which the newly arranged insurance will fall into place – just in time for Arts Deloraine’s biggest event of the year:  WinterFire is planned for 15th July at the Deloraine Showgrounds.

Ms Tuleja said Arts Deloraine had played an important role over the past decade in attracting and supporting arts events in Deloraine:  “We not only initiate arts events but we support musicians and theatre groups who want to perform here, especially by helping with suitable venues.”

Tasmanian Regional Arts folded after a special resolution was supported by statewide members at a meeting in Launceston on 7th May.