Volunteers rewarded

June 2017 | Antonia Howarth

NATIONAL VOLUNTEER Week this year took place from the 8th - 14th May.

Locals were treated to the efforts of a wide-ranging and increasing number of exciting individuals who provided a free grand luncheon for 60 people.

The event was ingenious to say the least.  The creative hand of Catherine Smith, who once coordinated the Community Garden Project and is now instrumental with Harvest Helper Volunteers, could be felt alongside the steady and consistent support of Deloraine House led by Narelle Whatley.

Numerous other organisations that contributed to the lunch were noted on the menu, which brought together a celebration of local, fresh and healthy produce.

The food was special.  It featured potato/leek or pumpkin soups, lamb curry and chicken casserole ‘lovingly’ served with pumpkin/garlic/ fetta frittata and potato bake with dinner rolls.  Desserts included apple crumble and some sumptuous, if not so healthy, chocolate mud cake which oozed its ingredients and overflowed with lashings of fresh cream.

This wonderful selection came via donations of potatoes, chillis, pumpkins, dairy products from Elgaar’s, bread and cake from Hardy’s and many other significant contributions, while Rotary Deloraine graciously provided use of the pavilion.

Mayor Craig Perkins thanked the many volunteers in Meander Valley for their time and efforts.  The Circle Dance Band consisting of 4 members provided background entertainment and dance music.

In spite of the weather, the event was a huge success for the organisers and all the volunteers involved.  It proved to be a yummy day out.


Meander Valley - get involved


Traditional smoking ceremony