Agfest firefighters



JUNE 2017 | David Claridge

EVERY YEAR at Agfest there are a team of Tasmania Fire Service personnel who volunteer their time to perform several roles. Often seen in uniform on foot or moving around in trucks they are there to keep the popular agricultural festival running.

Prospect volunteer fire fighter, Ken Claridge has been on call at Agfest for around 15 years. “I first started when there was a call out for volunteers from nearby brigades,” reflected Ken.

“I haven’t been around when there has been an incident, but there was a light plane crash a few years ago and there is the occasional rubbish fire.

“Luckily it is usually quiet fire-wise, giving us time to prepare showbags and talk to interested people about fire safety and the best way to protect their family and home.”

Firefighters were able to show to passers-by what to do during a fire scenario by demonstrating a pot fire on a stove and how to use a fire blanket to safely extinguish the fire.

For Carrick volunteer fire fighter, Kim Brundle-Lawrence her role for the past 26 years has been providing water supplies to the many sites at Agfest.

“Until the Agfest Fire Station was built and there were brigade members brought onsite just for fire or emergency response, Carrick Brigade was the responding brigade to any on site incident,” said Kim.

“Carrick brigade now supplies water to the sites that have displays requiring water such as spray pumps, the big tap that was on Main Street this year, the garden nurseries, and any stock and animal needs. Plus they continually refill the many portaloos around the site.”

Volunteers are the backbone of Agfest who work tirelessly behind the scenes. In particular is Rural Youth who put on a show for over 60,000 people this year and managed 700 exhibitors.

“I enjoy the physical side, being outdoors and the ‘annual’ get together with other members,” Kim said.

“It’s great to see how Agfest has grown and congratulations to Rural Youth members for their insight into hosting such a great event.”

Photo | Jan Collett


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