Best seat in the house

Bev and Bob Male of melbourne Jimmy Possum Chair croppedBev and Bob Male of melbourne Jimmy Possum Chair cropped

Bev and Bob Male of melbourne Jimmy Possum Chair cropped

JUNE 2017 | Wendy Laing

IN MAY, THE Deloraine and Districts Folk Museum officially launched the first public exhibition of Jimmy Possum chairs in more than 40 years.

Mr Roger Nutting, who is not only a volunteer at the Museum but who received the 2016 Tourism Northern Tasmania First Class Volunteer award, thanked everyone for coming along to the launch and especially the people who had donated their chairs for the exhibition.  He also thanked the volunteers at the Great Western Tiers Information Centre and the Meander Valley Council for their work in helping to make the Jimmy Possum room become a reality.  It will be a permanent display at the Museum, he said,for not only Jimmy Possum chairs but also other forms of Tasmanian chairs made during the 1800’s.

He went on to say that although little is known about Jimmy Possum’s personal history, we can be proud of the fact that these amazing chairs were produced in Deloraine.

More information about these unique chairs can be found in a brochure called ‘Jimmy Possum Chairmaker’ by Allan Lane, which you can purchase at the information desk of the Deloraine Museum and Visitors Centre.

Photo | Mike Moores


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