Cakes and cuppa for a good cause

l-r Judy Dalton Lexie Young Peter Roles Gwen Turner Elena Olah Tania Pam and Allen Torpheyl-r Judy Dalton Lexie Young Peter Roles Gwen Turner Elena Olah Tania Pam and Allen Torphey

l-r Judy Dalton Lexie Young Peter Roles Gwen Turner Elena Olah Tania Pam and Allen Torphey

JUNE 2017

IT WAS A NICE change of scenery this year at the Western Tiers Community Club for a ‘Biggest Morning Tea’ event held in Deloraine.

There were lots of familiar faces attending well as a few new ones, all enjoying a morning of delicious cakes, scrumptious slices and a good hot cuppa.

The Hospital Auxiliary did not disappoint with a delectable assortment of goodies for morning tea. Sally Dawkins co-coordinated the event this year together with Deloraine House staff and volunteers. This fundraising event is important to so many people in our community, as many of them have battled cancer themselves or know of someone who has. “My husband and daughter both had cancer, so I like to support the Cancer Council,” said Lexi Young, a resident of Deloraine. A total of $1143.00 was raised this year and will go to the Cancer Council to aid in their cancer research and support programs.

Photo | Mike Moores


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