Meander Valley Gazette

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Quilted remembrance

L to R Bev Ashdown, Dawn Larcombe, June Coleman, Peter Ashton Photo by Margaret How L to R Bev Ashdown, Dawn Larcombe, June Coleman, Peter Ashton Photo by Margaret How

L to R Bev Ashdown, Dawn Larcombe, June Coleman, Peter Ashton Photo by Margaret How

JUNE 2017

Representatives from the ‘Quamby Quilters’ handing over their Commemorative Quilt to Deloraine RSL Sub-Branch President Peter Ashton.  The Quilt is on display in its pride of place above ‘The Wall of Valor’ in the RSL Club.  The especially designed frame made and donated by Nick Weare of ‘Fixxed’ Frames of Deloraine,will protect and display the quilt for many years to come.

Photo | Margaret Howe