Telling stories with pictures

Mike MooresMike Moores

Mike Moores

JULY 2017

MEANDER VALLEY Gazette’s photographer, Mike Moores, is a happy chappy ever since the Gazette was able to purchase a new camera.

The new camera will “enable us to achieve higher resolution images that, in turn, will assist in getting better reproductions into the paper which can be tricky at times,” says Mike.

Up till now Mike has been using his own camera to take the paper’s pictures, with no backup camera in case of breakdown.

A significant portion of the purchase was covered by a Community Grant from Meander Valley Council.

To celebrate, Mike will offer a three session Introduction to Photojournalism course at the Deloraine Online Access Centre.

The course will cover “a history of photojournalism, examples of great photojournalists, how an image can change attitudes, how to tell a story in a series of pictures or a single shot, as well as practical assignments to hone photo taking skills,” explains Mike.

This is a great opportunity to learn from an award-winning photographer.

Each session will be three hours in duration on consecutive Friday mornings 9.00am – 12 midday starting on 28th of July, then the 4th and 11th of August.

A limit of six places means early booking is essential.

Call 6362 3537 to book your spot. The cost is $30.00.

Photo | Joanne Eisemann


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