Emma gets journalism training


SEPTEMBER 2017 | Joanne Eisemann

18 YEAR OLD Emma Hodgkinson is the latest writer to join the Meander Valley Gazette team.

A Meander Valley native, Emma mostly home-schooled until attending Newstead College where she studied Media in Years 11 and 12.

“When I applied to do media as a subject in college, it wasn’t something I really wanted to do, but then as I started getting into the course it became my favourite subject. I liked all the different mediums and all the different things you could do with it,” shares Emma.

“In Year 11 I did Media 2 and got the subject award. In Year 12 I did Media 3 and received a Certificate of Excellence, a higher award. I did a lot of extracurricular activities in media during those years.

“There were two other kids who did just as well as I did. It was a little bit of friendly competition, we worked hard and we also helped each other out along the way.”

Emma was one of two students chosen from Newstead College to work on the 2015 Fuse magazine. Two students are chosen from each High School and College in the Launceston area to produce a magazine by students for young people published by The Examiner, who also provide editorial support.

“I think its important to volunteer. It’s not only beneficial for the community, but it’s also beneficial for yourself, because you get to learn new skills. You make life easier for other people and you are able to embrace a whole new experience,” says Emma then adding, “For me personally, being able to volunteer for the Meander Valley Gazette is a huge opportunity. To experience something that I really want to pursue as a career, and to get a head start into that industry.”

“I am hoping to study media next year at UTas in Hobart. The sooner I’m in there the sooner I’m able to make a career out of it. I think I am very lucky to be able to pursue a career that I am passionate about.”

Photo | Jade Hallam


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