Meander Valley Gazette

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Shiver me timbers!

Westbury-school-book-week-dress-ups-2017.jpg Westbury-school-book-week-dress-ups-2017.jpg


All over Meander Valley, children celebrated National Book Week by dressing up as their favourite book character. It is an exciting time for children to dream, imagine and share with their schoolmates their most treasured timeless tales. This year’s theme being Escape to Everywhere, Westbury Primary School children brought their favourite book characters to life. From wizards and princesses to pirates and animals, there was a creative variation of new and classic characters. “It’s vital for children to grow up with literature as it helps them learn, create, and grow,” said Westbury Primary School teacher Mrs Meed. “Children’s stories are the stepping stones to developing a creative imagination and learning to read.” Children in this picture are not named due to Westbury Primary School policy.

Photo | Mike Moores