Meander Valley Gazette

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Full steam ahead

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Pearns Steam World will be celebrating their 30th birthday at this year’s Steam Up to be held over the November long weekend (4th, 5th, 6th Nov from 9.00am - 4.00pm).

On show will be 100 years of Henry Ford cars and tractors.  People are invited to bring along their own Ford car or tractor to be part of the show.

Also on show will be tractors, tractions engines and much more.  The museum is home to a collection of more than 200 pieces of equipment;  some so rare they are of international significance.

In the 1950’s, the Pearn brothers (Jack, Verdun and Zenith) saw that the age of steam and threshing was giving way to diesel-powered tractors and self-propelled headers.  Visionaries before their time, the brothers decided to collect a representative sample of the steam engines operating in the state.

When others sold their machines for scrap metal, the Pearn’s purchased 12 engines and used their spare time to restore them.

Entry $10.00 adults and $5.00 for children.  More info at

Photo | Mike Moores