Meander Valley Gazette

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Death, frequently asked questions

November 2017

HOW WILL you pay for your funeral? Do you know the pros and cons of funeral insurance? Do you have to have a coffin? How can you donate your body to science? Can you be buried at sea?

All these questions and many others will be answered during a free talk in November in Westbury, given by an experienced lawyer.

Sarah House from Launceston Community Legal Centre (LCLC) will be giving a talk on Thursday 17th November 2017 at 11.00am at the Westbury Community Health Centre.  The talk is called ‘Before Death/After Death’. It includes everything people need to know to make decisions for when they die, and provides crucial information for people should a close family member or friend pass away.

Sarah explained that rather than a dry and depressing talk, it is lively, upbeat and interesting. “Unfortunately, everyone dies. Being prepared can save you and your family thousands of dollars, save time, and save stress. Know what the law says, and how it affects you”. She further explained that getting timely legal advice can save thousands of dollars and that the LCLC can provide this advice free of charge.

Come along on the 17th, bring a friend and learn something! Morning tea will be provided. Time is given for question and answer after the talk.

To make a free appointment to speak to one of the LCLC solicitors please ring 6334 1577.